Page Contents
ToggleBusiness Committee
The Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma is organized under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act, which authorized the adoption of a tribal constitution, by-laws, and a Business Committee. This governing body consists of five elected officials, each serving two year terms: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and Councilperson.
Constitution & Bylaws
As the fundamental legal document, the constitution establishes the framework for governance, outlining the powers and responsibilities of the government. This constitution serves as the bedrock of our nation’s sovereignty, encapsulating the principles and values that support its formation and functioning.
Economic Development
The Iowa Tribe realizes that in order to survive and prosper it must reach out and form strategic alliances with various partners. Potential partners can include both the public and private sector such as other tribes, corporations and government agencies.
The Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Enrollment Division maintains all records and files of past and present tribal rolls and genealogy.
Fire Department
The mission of the Iowa Tribe Fire Department is to protect life and property within the Iowa Tribal County.
Gaming Commission
The ITO Gaming Commission is established by the ITO Gaming Ordinance with the primary responsibility for the oversight of Tribal gaming operations to assure the integrity of such operations by ensuring that all gaming activity is fair and conducted according to Tribal, Federal and State regulations.
Housing Authority
The Bah-Kho-Je Housing Authority’s goal is to provide housing opportunities and services to Indian families located in the jurisdictional boundaries of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma and enrolled members who live outside the designated area. The mission is to eliminate overcrowded, unsafe and unsanitary conditions within the family dwelling and to provide the service at affordable levels.
Human Resources
The Human Resources Department supports all other departments within the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Government and Housing Authority. The department utilizes recruitment, hiring, training, and benefit administration to create a suitable, competent workforce.
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma District Court
The Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma District Court is to fully implement the inherent powers of the Sovereign Nation by adhering to the Tribe’s Constitution and Tribal Law and Order Code. Thus, allowing the District Court to provide a just, efficient, impartial and responsive judicial system that honors, protects, and serves the rights and liberties of all who come before it.
Iowa Tribe Police Department
The mission of the Iowa Tribe Police Department is to reduce crime, promote safety, and partner with the community to protect life and property within the territory of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma.
Office of Environmental Services
The Office of Environmental Services protects, maintains and restores natural resources by implementing conservation programs for the preservation of cultural beliefs and ecological integrity.
Tribal Administration
The Executive Director manages the general administration of the daily operation of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, implementing the directives of the Business Committee, and has oversight of all Federal and Tribal Programs.
Tribal Vehicle Registration
The office of Vehicle Registration is available to assist with new Tribal tags, tag renewals, personalized tags, and vehicle title transfers.
Physical Address
335588 E. 750 Road
Perkins, OK 74059
Phone: 405-547-2402
From I-35
Go East on Hwy 105 for 22 miles
Go North on Hwy 177 for 4 miles
Turn left on Complex Road (at Iowa Tribal Complex Sign)