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ToggleExecutive Director
The Executive Director manages the general administration of the daily operation of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, implementing the directives of the Business Committee, and has oversight of all Federal and Tribal Programs. The Executive Director oversees the management of tribal employees and meets with officials of State, Federal, and County governments, and in conjunction with the Business Committee, oversees financial reporting, indirect cost, accounting, and grant programs.
Contact Information
Amy Roe
Executive Director
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
Office: (405) 547-2402, ext. 2006
Physical Address
335588 E. 750 Road
Perkins, OK 74059
Phone: 405-547-2402
From I-35
Go East on Hwy 105 for 22 miles
Go North on Hwy 177 for 4 miles
Turn left on Complex Road (at Iowa Tribal Complex Sign)