Health Services
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Perkins Family Clinic
“Health Care for the Whole Community”
Perkins Clinic Health Division Director
Angela Daugherty
Through the Tribal Health Department, we have established the Perkins Family Clinic in which we offer primary medical & health care to Native Americans. We also service to Non-Natives in our community and surrounding areas.
- Family practice medicine
- X-ray
- Basic laboratory
- Pharmacy (Native Americans only)
- Dietitian
- Diabetes Clinic
- Dental
- Purchased and Referred Care
- Community Health Outreach
- Behavioral Health
Other services offered are home visits and medication monitoring through our CHR program. The CHR program also offers CPR and Blood Born Pathogen classes throughout the community and various programs dealing with health issues throughout the year.
Our Diabetes Program offers educational information on diabetes prevention, foot care, minor wound care and intervention services. In addition, the Diabetes Program provides nutrition consultation.
Counseling and referral services for all ages are available through the Substance Abuse Prevention Program.
The Title VI-A Program provides both congregate and home-delivered meals and other activities for elders. The Title VI-C Program provides assistance and resources for those needing Caregiver services.
Physical Address
335588 E. 750 Road
Perkins, OK 74059
Phone: 405-547-2402
From I-35
Go East on Hwy 105 for 22 miles
Go North on Hwy 177 for 4 miles
Turn left on Complex Road (at Iowa Tribal Complex Sign)