On October 31st, the Title VI department held an Elders Halloween Party at the WhiteCloud building. Many were in attendance and to go along with the fun, a costume and Most Creative Dish contest was held.
July 23, 2015| Archive| Lavonda Youngman
On October 31st, the Title VI department held an Elders Halloween Party at the WhiteCloud building. Many were in attendance and to go along with the fun, a costume and Most Creative Dish contest was held.
Last modified: November 20, 2023
335588 E. 750 Road
Perkins, OK 74059
Phone: 405-547-2402
From I-35
Go East on Hwy 105 for 22 miles
Go North on Hwy 177 for 4 miles
Turn left on Complex Road (at Iowa Tribal Complex Sign)